Manuel Parra (MANU MOJITO) visual artist with a plastic emphasis from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and specialist in fashion photography. Within the field of the arts he has had a long history, he has participated in exhibitions in Spain, Berlin, Brazil, Mexico and New York.

In his work he has explored the notion of representation of the identity of contemporary man creating an alter ego, MANU MOJITO, a character who comes from the world of fashion, who acts as the lights of the jet set, with which he proposes the artist himself as a subject of fashion. Explore models of representation and identity, in a world enraptured in the cult of the body, beauty, and the ideals of power and fame. It converts subjects into ideal images that supposedly meet the aesthetic, social and social position expectations that today's media culture demands.

Manu Mojito has established himself as a genre artist, since he proposes in his works a look towards the Queer world, in addition to always seeking the visibility of the LGBTI population developing not only photographs, but also events that open space to show the work of different people within this same community. Her work stands out for being judicious research on how warm and loving the trans world is.