In 2012 I started my studies as a graphic designer at the National University of Colombia, where my interest in photography and later media art was born, during that time I was able to participate in exhibitions such as Photography 2015 and 2017, in 2015 I was awarded the scholarship Exchange for artists of the KHM, in which I had the opportunity to travel to Germany and work on the development of a personal project for 6 months, in addition to strengthening my knowledge and command of the German and English languages.

After completing my undergraduate studies in 2017, I entered the Specialization in Photography at the National University of Colombia in which I developed my latest artistic project entitled Divagando en concre. At work, I work as an interior photographer for the real estate market and work as a freelance in image design, printed parts and photography. I also actively participate in two research and artistic creation seedbeds linked to the National University of Colombia, with which we had two exhibitions in the month of October of this year, the results show of the Urban, Time and Photography Hotbed made at the Flora Ars Foundation. Nature and The exhibition At the Technopoetics Seedling Monument Optics held at the Kennedy Chamber of Commerce within the framework of ARTBO 2018.